It sounds like the fun stuff, but there were a lot of people to keep happy when the new club was choosing its name, colours and guernsey design.

Meanwhile, a decision to set the club up like a US college campus played a huge part in creating its culture and building a lasting bond between the players, as the crucial hunt for a permanent home base began. 

Quayle sits down with original GIANTS chief executive officer Dale Holmes, former AFL chief executive officer Andrew Demetriou, GIANTS’ first head of football Graeme Allan, current GIANTS chief executive officer David Matthews, original GIANTS recruit and inaugural co-captain Phil Davis, former GIANTS player and original signing Tom Scully, and former GIANTS player and inaugural co-captain Luke Power in the final episode of this five-part podcast series.

Episode features:  

Graeme Allan, GIANTS’ first head of football  
Dale Holmes, original GIANTS chief executive officer
Mel Lambert, who headed up the club’s welfare program with husband Craig  
Andrew Demetriou, former AFL chief executive officer
David Matthews, current GIANTS chief executive officer
Phil Davis, original GIANTS recruit and inaugural co-captain  
Tom Scully, former GIANTS player  
Luke Power, former GIANTs player and inaugural co-captain  

Here Come the GIANTS was written, hosted and produced by Emma Quayle with audio editing and sound design by Craig Abercrombie.

Listen to Here Come the GIANTS on the player above or via Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Google Podcasts. Please follow and leave a rating.

Celebrate Sir Doug Nicholls Round at GIANTS Stadium

The GIANTS host the Eagles in a Sunday afternoon blockbuster at GIANTS Stadium.