Which senior player first took you under their wing: Phil Davis  

Who has had the most influence on your career: My parents  

Do you have any pre-game rituals: Listen to great music and step on ground with no shoes on when I get there 

Growing up, who was your favourite player: Scott Pendlebury  

Toughest individual opponent: Nat Fyfe

Does your jumper number have any significance: Always been my favourite number and wore it as a junior!  

Funniest thing a fan has said to you over the fence: Booooooooo

Teammate most likely to coach: Heath Shaw 

Teammate most likely to be a club president or CEO: Matt de Boer or Phil Davis  

Your funniest teammate: Zach Sproule or Tommy Sheridan  

Who had/has the best haircut in AFL history: Connor Idun 

Do you have any secret party tricks: Can juggle  

Unique person you follow on Twitter or Instagram: Bobby Hill 

At which store would you like to max out your credit card: NBA store  

What are three things left on your bucket list: Skydive, attend an NBA game court-side, go to Super Bowl 

Do you have a dog: No yet but I will get one  

What do you order at the bar: Whatever she wants  

First album you bought: Nothing Was The Same - Drake  

First concert you attended: Ed Sheeran 

Something about you we wouldn’t know: I love yoghurt and eat it at least twice a day 

Favourite holiday destination: Anywhere with great beaches to relax  

Favourite movie: Good Will Hunting  

Favourite TV series: Power or The OC 

Favourite band or musician: Drake

Favourite carb: Potatoes just ahead of pasta  

First meal after the season has ended: Chicken schnitzel with gravy  

What non-football accomplishment are you most proud of: Learning to surf  

What’s your most embarrassing childhood memory: Running away crying from my first day of school 

What’s your best childhood memory: Finding out I was selected in the AFL Academy  

Who would you like to swap places with for a day: LeBron James