Whilst the world goes a little crazy at the moment, toilet paper and hand sanitiser weren’t the only things one particular Western Sydney citizen wanted to get their hands on this week. 

Prior to last week, we would have considered joining the Orange Army a pretty easy task.

Our social media accounts are easily accessible for everyone to see and enjoy, our membership team is friendly and provides a great service, orange is a pretty easy colour to buy and we’re not at capacity just yet.

For our members and fans, Orange in your Blood is more than just a campaign. It’s a representation of who we are and symbolises what we all have our common.

It defines our family. 

And what do family do? They look out for each other.

Last Friday, an alleged offender temporarily borrowed (stole) some personalised GIANTS registration plates that belonged to one of our most passionate GIANTS members.

He phoned the police, but they weren’t very confident that he would get them back.

After that phone call he also put a shout out to his fellow Orange Army family in a Facebook group. 

Within two hours, a fellow orange-blooded GIANTS fan had spotted the missing one-off plates and reported it to the police.

24 hours later the offenders were arrested and the process of getting the plates returned to their rightful owner had begun.

Alleged offender, if you are reading this story and wish to join the Orange Army - please just contact our membership team, we can probably sort you out a membership. And leave the personalised plates alone please.